A deep dive into Path of Survival

Path of Survival

The next MMORPG NFT game taking the gaming world by storm.

Deep dive into path of survival

Path of survival is the next project that’s taking the GameFi ecosystem by storm by combining the best of both artwork and gameplay. Being a MMORPG game at its core, Path of Survival features various immersive game modes that let you earn $SRV tokens. Let’s dive a bit deeper into what makes this project stand out. Bonus: at the end of the article there is a Q&A with the CEO of Path of Survival!

Path of Survival game

What is Path of Survival?

With the rising popularity of the GameFi ecosystem, Path of Survival is well set to earn its spot in the market. Path of Survival is a play to earn, strategic, turn-based MMORPG game. Ownership of in-game items and characters as NFT’s, and the P2E aspect, are two key characteristics of the game.

In Path of Survival, players aim to level up their heroes and fight against other players and NPC enemies. Character development is one of the main goals in this competitive environment. Players are incentivised to form guild

Game modes and combat system

Path of survival features 5 game modes:

Path of survival game modes

The main combat system will be turn-based, wherein players have to make strategic decisions until one of the players is defeated. All characters have class-specific, but also general skills. These characters have different attacks they can perform and specific combat skills related to their character class. 

For example, the ‘Tank’ class has stamina and the Assassin has intuition. Did I mention the characters look really great? The website and gitbook have lots of sneak peeks available. 

Earning mechanism and NFT ownership

GameFi combines the gaming industry with the DeFi landscape. Thus giving players ownership of in-game items but also a chance to earn the in-game currency; $SRV (survival coin). Survival coin can be earned:

  • By staking SRV
  • As in-game rewards for winning in combat
  • Clan ownership and participation; the more clan members, the higher the rewards. SRV is earned by (clan) land ownership, clan battles, rewards from clan buildings and tournaments.

NFT ownership is also a very big part of Path of Survival. There will be a marketplace for trading NFT items, which can be:

  • Characters
  • Battle pets (phase 2 of the game)
  • Clan land
  • Buildings in the PoS metaverse

Marketplace preview:

Path of survival nft marketplace

Sneak peeks

A game’s success is hugely determined by the quality of the artwork. Honestly, I think the PoS team has got that covered. The hero and enemy characters look very interesting, along with designs of other parts of the game! Check them out below, I’m sure you can tell which pic represents which category ;). I do recommend checking out their website, gitbook and pitchdeck to see more artwork.

Path of survival heroes
Path of survival villains

Project launch, roadmap and tokenomics

Path of survival aims to go to market in Q2 of 2022, which is also when their game beta is scheduled for release. The roadmap is mostly filled with different additions and expansions of the game, like the release of more game modes. One exciting part of the roadmap is the release of the DAO strategy in Q4.

*Update: due to market conditions there has been a delay in the original timeline.

As far as the numbers go; SRV has a max supply of 1 billion tokens, divided as follows:

  • 45% game rewards
  • 12.5% private sale
  • 7.5% marketing
  • 8% reserves
  • 10% team
  • 5% partnerships
  • 5% advisory
  • 4% public sale
  • 1% seed round
  • 2% listing

 The initial market cap is only 497.500 USD!

Path of Survival Supply breakdown

Not to forget, the team behind PoS seems more than capable of delivering an enjoyable game with the GameFi elements that we love. The team has experience in the crypto field, which is always a huge plus. 

Q&A with alexander tomov (ceo of path of survival)

 I’m curious how this project came about. What made you guys want to start your own gaming project?

“As a gamer, it has always been my dream to eventually build my own game. When I discovered blockchain gaming I was super excited for what this means for gaming as a whole. But it was when I created the Baby Whales guild that my dream started evolving into a goal. When the game the guild I built for started downgrading, I saw the opportunity and my goal now became a plan. Then my plan received the support of the community via the seed round and the Path of Survival project began.”

What are the plans for the project between now and the actual launch? Are there any landmarks you want to achieve first?

“We are in the process of completing our first NFT campaign. The next important step is the first game demo early next month, followed by the alpha version release. A marker for our successful alpha would be the launchpads we land for our IDO so I would say this is the landmark in the short time horizon. In the long-term, I would say hitting 100k users and releasing the mobile version are the ultimate milestones.”

When will people be able to play the game? Are you aiming for a gradual release or full release?

“We are definitely approaching the game with a gradual release strategy as we wanna constantly provide content to the users and never keep them waiting for too long. As mentioned, the demo will be out in early April and the alpha version within a month after. So if you got your early survivor pass, watch out”

What are your long-term goals for Path of Survival?

“In addition to the milestones I mentioned, our long-term goal is facilitating the transition to DAO. What this means is completing the game development and more importantly growing a vibrant and involved community that will be the heart and soul of the game.”

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